Saturday, April 11, 2009

nearing despair

Some thoughts on today:
That is, today, in the context of yesterday and tomorrow.

Yesterday, on the day of Preparation, a man went to Sheol. He went quietly and there were little there to grieve his passing. There is much recorded about that day. But for this day of Passover, the annals of history are discrete. My friend left me yesterday, but not before I could leave him. , save a few. What else is there, when the walls come down? We fled yesterday. Traded trust for comfort and loyalty for safety. And today? Today, we cannot look each other in the eyes. Today, we look for one to blame. Today, we grieve him. Nothing matters anymore. He even raised others, but can he raise himself? I do not know if I can believe that. There is nothing left for us now. Those in power want to find us. I am ready to go to them. Hope itself is fading.

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