Monday, May 04, 2009

Sarcasm addendum

I was not planning on making a series out of this, but...

I'm still not going to.

I did, however, want a chance to respond to a majority of the comments without posting 11 times on the page. I also wanted to elaborate on the things I did say. To those who have ventured in expounding on the subject, thank you. For the most part, Matt (catfish) Gately was right. My intention was not a general apology for past wrongs-for that, schedule an individual appointment. I do recognize my shortcomings, but the important thing is recognizing the tendency one might have to make such comments. From a believer's perspective, once we become aware of something that is keeping us from entering the fullness of God, we are no longer allowed to plead ignorance:

Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, "What? Are we blind too?"

Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.

Television plays a more than mild part in molding the character that we present to others. One general attitude towards the world is one of apathy. But apathy's most viable opponnent is criticism. You can either not care about anything, or care about everything, and proceed to complain about it. I think it says something about our society, when the most common response to the phrase:

"I didn't vote"


"Well, now you can't complain."

Oh, really? Well it just so happens that I am in the process of downsizing my complaints dept. as well (maybe for nothing other than this). But the spirit of criticism lives on. When we are subjected to its ways, its life results in a type of death for us. But I don't need to convince anyone. We know it from its fruit, the heaviness of which we have all experienced. Eventually our spirits are worn down, and we do acquiesce to its advances. After awhile, we stop even noticing its effects. Not because we have become desensitized, mind you, but, because, a long time ago, a seed was planted. That seed serves the same function as any seed: to take root in the place it was planted. So, now grafted to our very souls, is a full-fledged monster of botany that feeds on criticism and sarcasm and insults. Needless to say, there are television shows that use to have my wholehearted endorsedment, which are minus a viewer due to their high levels of sarcasm and criticism. Even when I'm around individuals whose conversation basically consists of 0ne insult after another, I find myself grappling to find a way to one-up them. Afterwards, in a moment of clarity, I regret letting myself get carried away. I guess I could always become apathetic.

Are there only 2 viable options? Are we either constantly criticizing or intermittently not caring? Is it some combination of the two, nothing in excess?

Certainly there is some other answer.

There is, but it's not this guy.

I think it has something to do with this:

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Care passionately. Take an active stance against apathy. The things that are from God are light. What I am advocating is a level of discernment towards the thoughts that enter our heads. Discerning thought is the enemy of critical thought. It makes decisions without its foundation being on any parameters that we could come up with on our own. More on discernment is found in Matthew 7:15-20.

Thanks to those who encouraged me with their own words. I feel honored that I have friends who see the good in me and in others. That is an admirable trait. But as far as motivations go, some reasons for my original diatribe are the following:
  • I am usually accused of sarcasm. More than most. If you've ever been around me for very long, you have probably heard me plead my case: "You're not using the true definition of sarcasm. There is a difference between facetiousness and sarcasm. The word you want is facetious." This is important because:
  • As the infamous John Wayne Lusk commented to me at celebration, if enough people use a word the wrong way, the definition of the word changes. This is why comptroller is a word, and irregardless is becoming one. Sarcasm and general irony are coalescing into one broad definition, and it would be in everyone's best interests if they didn't.
  • Finally, although I ardently defend my actions, if I look closely, I do use sarcasm. I am critical of others. If I can realize this, then maybe I can become more aware of the adverse affect it has on myself and on others. And when I am through plank-pulling in myself, maybe I can say a few things to encourage others to be aware as well (note: not through yet).

I guess this has turned into a criticism of criticism. I never said I didn't endorse circular reasoning...Rest assured I may tone down criticism, but I won't refrain from saying something flippant about this.

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